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Part-Time Degree Refund Form

Please complete the following form to help us process your refund from the Continuing Education Students' Association of Ryerson Fee. Students have until December 31, 2021 to request this refund. Click here to learn more about this refund.

If you were enrolled as a Part-time Degree student between the Winter 2020 term and the Winter 2021 term you have been inappropriately charged the CESAR fee due to an inadvertent fee assessment by Ryerson University. Part-time Degree students taking more than three courses in the Winter 2020, Spring/Summer 2020, Fall 2020 and Winter 2021 terms were inadvertently charged at the full-time rate. This has resulted in an inadvertent extra charge between $3.37 and $16.39 in each term – depending on course-load.

Please click the box below ONLY if you would like to donate your refund to the CESAR Emergency Grant. This donation is non-refundable.