Frequently Asked Questions
All students enrolled in a part-time undergraduate degree program at Toronto Metropolitan University, including; Business Management, Child and Youth Care, Computer Science, Disability Studies, Early Childhood Education, Health Information Management, Health Services Management, Business Technology Management, Midwifery, Nursing (Post Diploma), Public Administration and Governance, Retail Management, Social Work.
No. Certificate Students are not eligible for the TMAPS Health and Dental plans.
No. Graduate students are not covered by the TMAPS Health and Dental plans. Graduate students are members of the Toronto Metropolitan University Graduate Students Union and should refer to the TGMSU for questions about health and dental coverage.
A successful opt-out requires submitting proof of alternate or comparable coverage including your full name, insurance company name, and insurance policy number. You must opt-out here at the start of the school year, before the deadline, in order to receive a refund. Each opt-out produces a confirmation e-mail and students must keep this confirmation email for their records. For more information, visit
Yes. Part-time degree students who were not enrolled in the fall semester, and are returning to school in the winter term will be charged a pro-rated fee for the TMAPS Health and Dental plans. The coverage period will be from January 1 to August 31. In order to opt-out, students with comparable coverage may opt-out here before the deadline, usually the first Friday in February.
The deadline is firm. There are absolutely no exceptions to the opt-out deadline.
Yes. Eligible part-time students who wish to opt-out of the TMAPS Health and Dental Plan must do so each academic year in which they enrol (either the fall OR winter) at this link.
For part-time degree students starting the fall, the benefit period runs for 12 months, from September 1 to August 31 the following year. For students starting classes in the winter, the benefit period runs for 8 months from January 1 to August 31 of that same year.
Please note that there is a temporary inactive period for students who are new to the plan, where access to benefits is delayed for two months. These students are still covered during that time and may submit receipts for covered expenses incurred at the end of the two month period.
Your unique Green Shield ID number begins with CSR (short form for CESAR), followed by your 9 digit student ID number, and ends in -00, i.e.: CSR 999999999-00
You can also fill out and print your ID card, please visit this link for more information: CSR GREEN SHIELD ID CARD
Yes. If you already have existing coverage, you can combine both plans to increase your coverage. The TMAPS plan will be considered your secondary plan while your existing plan is your primary plan. Call 1-888-711-1119 for further information on coordination of benefits.
Yes. For an additional fee, part-time degree students on the TMAPS Health and Dental plan can opt-in family members. Please visit the TMAPS enrollment page.
Depending on the service, benefit discounts may be electronically applied at the time of payment and the student will be required to pay the remainder (i.e., dental office or Pharmacy). If it is not electronically applied, students may visit the TMAPS office with their original receipts, fill out the appropriate claim form and TMAPS will submit your form to Green Shield Canada. A cheque will be mailed to you within two weeks time for the amount you are covered. Claims must be received within 12 months of the service date. For more information visit
Green Shield Canada will only cover the cost of generic brands, if one is available for your specific prescription. When having your prescription filled, ask the pharmacist if a generic alternative is available, to make the best use of your coverage.
You may also contact to confirm your coverage status.