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What part-time degree program are you in:(Required)
How aware are you of the Faculty of Community Services Society (FCSS) and the programs and services they offer?
How aware are you of the Faculty of Community Services Society (FCSS) and the pending referendum to initiate a mandatory levy (fee) for this student society?
What is your general availability/interest to participate in academic community, student life and programming at Ryerson University?
What would you like to see more of from your university experience?
Check all that apply
Would you agree to the creation of a fee of $7.50 per semester for one course pro-rated to $15.00 for two classes, with a cap limit of $15.00 for 2+ courses applicable in Fall and Winter semesters, to be paid by all students enrolled in the part-time degree undergraduate Faculty of Community Services, starting in September 2022, and increased annually for inflation referenced to the Toronto Consumer Price Index to fund the operation of the Faculty of Community Services Society?
(This is not a formal vote, only hypothetical)